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Client stories

From scattergun to strategic: How business coaching helped a small business owner find focus
From hobbyist to pro Sarah Haskell met Lorna at a Christmas fayre, where she had set up a small stand to promote her fledgling business,...

Developing an established creative business: My business is important, my time is important, I am important
Jessica Bonnard is the founder of her well-established business, Language For Fun, which offers lovely, lively language lessons for...

Growing business confidence: On air and in control, finding focus and my voice...
Sheila is a behaviour change and wellness coach and founder at The Primal Zone. She joined the Flourish programme which includes...

New business set-up: Designing the perfect business and mastering the art of living!
Helena has been a drinks writer and broadcaster for more than 20 years. She wanted to build on this experience and broaden her horizons...

New business start-up: Finding my way, my way
Adele is a project and programme manager and runs a successful business as a photographer on the side. Both logical and creative, and...

Growing a coaching business: I'm ready for the next chapter of my business
As a career and leadership coach, Melanie had been running her business for three years. She had been very successful, although the...

Start-up business confidence: Nurturing the confidence to say ‘no’ as well as ‘yes ’
When she joined the Flourish programme, Charlie was an acupuncturist starting up her new business while also working in an employed role....

Building confidence as an entrepreneur: I’ve had a total transformation!
Anna is employed in safeguarding in education three days per week and runs her own business providing training, supervision and...

Business coaching for a video company: becoming a superhero in my own story
Rachael and her partner Ben run a video production company. Their fun, playful and highly creative approach to videography was not really...

Business coaching for self-employed writer = fresh mindset = more profit!
Annette has been successfully as a self-employed copywriter since 1995 but had never considered that she was a ‘business owner’ or...

I can’t believe I managed to do what I did! Life is coming back!
Angela co-owns and runs a beauty brand business with a partner and worked in a school when she joined the Flourish programme. As is...

Peace and power!
Lesley is a herbalist, interior designer and café / bar owner and she joined the Flourish programme because... “My life was not where I...

I’m a different person: literally transformed!
When Jess joined the Flourish programme, she was working part-time in a job she didn’t enjoy while freelancing two days a week as a...

Face the fear and fly: I wish I’d done this sooner!
Following a relocation to the midlands, Fiona embarked on re-setting up her business as a Reiki practitioner. She joined the Flourish...

I found my niche and it’s changed everything!
David is unusual among the Be The Best You clients in being male. The Flourish programme is indeed for women, however, one-to-one...

I’m making the right decision for the right reasons
Andrea had a tough decision to make. She is self-employed and loves her work, but it is very physical and for the sake of her medium to...

From stabbing in the dark to having direction
Following many years of working in the publishing industry, Mary left to start her own business, selling her own art, unique handmade...

It's like looking in a mirror but being able to do it objectively
Emma runs a successful online and in-person dog training business, but she couldn’t complete anything. She was creating distractions...

Reconnecting with the real me – because I’m worth it!
Jo had recently finished a business development programme to shape her brand new, highly innovative, tech business start-up and realised,...

I wanted to regain control and get my confidence back, and I learned to live and let go!
Teri was recommended to the Flourish programme by a friend who was also on it. Teri joined because, feeling stuck and overwhelmed made...

Understanding what I really want out of my business
Kate was in full-time employment and ran her own flower nursery when she joined the Flourish programme. She felt stressed every day,...

Don’t stop dreaming; dealing with very real business challenges
Pia runs a successful import and distribution business to retailers in South Africa and, following a move to the UK, was looking to...

Thinking about solutions rather than ‘I'm not good enough’
Mel ran two businesses, tutoring and Mel’s Marvellous Cakes, and had begun to write a book when she joined The Flourish Hothouse...

Rediscovering, reimagining and redefining who I am
Ruth joined the Flourish programme because she was feeling overwhelmed, lost and fearful. She didn’t know which way to go next in her...

Finding the power to succeed rather than fail ‘again’
Emma had a track history of failing to stick at any job for more than a couple of years. When she left her last employed role, she was...

Fired up and ready to make bigger waves within the design industry
Jo had run her eco-friendly furniture design business for a few years, and in her own words, “It was doing okay, but this big opportunity...

Finding out who I am and gaining a renewed confidence
Alison felt she had lost her identity because she was no longer working due to ongoing ill-health, having previously held senior finance...

Building confidence to fill my shoes
Despite being what others might consider a high achiever, Sonia felt she should be achieving more. She lacked confidence in her own...

Taking on difficult change
Maggie was going through a particularly difficult time in her personal and professional life, facing challenges on both fronts. She...

Challenging fears
Rachel felt very fearful. Her fears affected her every day and made the running of her business much harder than it needed to be. She had...

Masquerading as a success? Dealing with imposter syndrome
Marian is a successful business owner who had already worked with a business coach to evolve and develop her company. To make good on...

Taking back control without feeling guilty
Anne’s situation came to a head with care for her elderly father on top of uncertainty around work, which left her feeling guilty and on...

Finding my mid-life mojo
Elizabeth had been made redundant, and wanted to set up her own business, but at 56 she lacked confidence and felt “on the heap”. She...

The cost of not knowing your values: health
Over years of yoyo dieting, Andrea had tried many approaches and interventions to tackle her issues with food and exercise. Having...

The cost of not knowing your values: relationships
Susan came to coaching after a series of unsuccessful long-term relationships. When we discussed the common issues in these...

The cost of not knowing your values: career
Charlotte came to coaching because she was thinking about early retirement. She said she was OK with the idea of it, as she loves golf...
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