Anna is employed in safeguarding in education three days per week and runs her own business providing training, supervision and consultancy in safeguarding to the education sector two days per week. She joined the Flourish programme having run her business for two and a half years...
“I was after inspiration and guidance about where to take my business next and a process to help me do this – a real business approach rather than an add on.
I also wanted to find out more about myself and what was limiting me and to have coaching around how to be a businesswoman. And I wanted accountability.”
Anna was not unusual in not seeing herself as an entrepreneur...
“I didn’t initially see myself as an entrepreneur, but quite quickly I did. My attitude changed. The programme made the business more serious and gave me the confidence to talk about what I do in a different way that made me feel more credible.”
The Flourish programme provides support through one-to-one coaching and a series of small-group workshops. Anna loved both elements for different reasons...
“I loved the workshops: there’s a whole bunch of other women doing this who are facing similar issues, and I always found their input interesting. I’d go to work the next day totally energised and inspired and colleagues noticed and would comment. It is such a supportive community; everyone is wishing everyone else really well and you get encouragement and accountability for your ideas.
And the coaching gave me a clear structure and focus and I could see an immediate impact. For instance, the DISC personality profiling meant I was able to apply the insights to a situation with a colleague. Everything was immediately applicable and beneficial.”
So, what has changed for Anna and her business as a result of participating in the Flourish programme?
“I’ve been creating new habits, using ‘habit stacking’ [adding a new habit to an existing one] and one of these is journalling; Lorna’s journal asks such useful questions.
My business is now about much more than just doing the face-to-face delivery of my work; I allow for all the planning and the work that goes on behind the scenes to develop my business.
And I know I can actually do it! Lorna and I had a review session recently and it was a real Aha! moment to realise where I had got. My 2019 dream of having a business, being able to be at home more and meeting my financial goals is actually happening, and without making the sacrifices I’d expected!”
Building her confidence as an entrepreneur is a recurring theme for Anna and the benefits of this are just beginning to manifest themselves...
“I have much more inspiration, belief and confidence to clearly outline what I want and to have the conversations I need to have to get what I want.
I can confidently say I am an expert.
It’s giving me the life that I want. It’s given me the option of not working full-time and I know it’s possible to grow my business further and be completely self-employed.
I now feel I have a lot of choices which I didn’t feel I had before. I’m appreciating there’s so much potential now...”
When it comes to whether the investment in the Flourish programme was worth it, Anna says
“100 percent! (I’d love to say 110% but there’s no such thing!)
I have the confidence to make changes, I don’t feel stuck, and my business is developing and not static anymore. It feels exciting and interesting and I’m enjoying it more and more. And I continue to work with Lorna.
In fact, I recommend Lorna so strongly, I have recommended her to a friend who runs her own business who has started working with Lorna too.”
So, what is Anna advice for others considering working with Lorna?
“You won’t regret the time or the money that you invest, and you’ll wish you found Lorna sooner!”
To find out more about how Lorna Thomas / Be The Best You In Business coaching and mentoring could support you to increase your confidence and grow your business with clarity, focus and control, book a call...