How are you showing up for yourself?
Be completely honest with yourself, are you more likely to show up for those around you, when they make requests or demands, than for yourself?
I ask because I’ve noticed a theme among several clients recently around how they value their own time versus others’ time; and it’s not in their favour.
Can you relate to this?
They become overwhelmed with stuff to do, and they’re letting themselves be dictated to by other people’s agendas and feeling frustrated and resentful that their efforts aren’t really recognised or appreciated... All because they want to make others happy and want to be liked.
As a people pleasing entrepreneur, the following 5 steps to reclaim your time and prioritise your success will provide more than food for thought:
1. What value you are putting on yourself?
Do you block time out in your diary for you to do things for you or do you sign up for something that is of interest, but find that something else, apparently more important, comes along for you to do for someone else and you do that instead?
Can you see a pattern of you not being the priority in your own life?
2. What is your boundary setting like?
Boundaries play a crucial role in self-care and maintaining healthy relationships, including the one you have with yourself. Do you have enough boundaries in place? And do you honour them?
Last week, one of my clients was cross with herself for not upholding a boundary she’d set with a client, but valuing yourself is also about being understanding towards yourself; she’s learning a whole new habit and breaking a habit of a lifetime, and there’s no doubt she’ll be stronger about defending her boundary next time.
Be clear about the boundaries you want to set, communicate them clearly to others and be prepared to stand guard!
3. Does defending your boundaries sound scary?
Sometimes, not showing up for yourself stems from procrastination or fear of losing something. Growth often lies outside your comfort zone.
Embrace the discomfort with curiosity (my absolute favourite word at the moment) and ask yourself each time you put off setting or defending your boundary: ‘what’s more important to me than praise or being liked?’
4. And is growing your self-esteem a priority for you?
Your actions and showing up for yourself, are reflections of your self-esteem and self-worth. Consistently honouring your commitments to what you want to do for your own development will build your confidence and reinforce your positive self-image.
Being able to trust yourself is HUGE.
Remember, you are worthy of investing time and effort in yourself.
5. Are you ready to spend an hour on yourself?
If you're ready to prioritise yourself and take the next step towards setting and achieving great goals for you and your business, I invite you to book a Breakthrough Call with me.
It’s a practical, pragmatic conversation all about you and your business and you’ll come away feeling energised and inspired.
Get started! Unmask and transform your people pleasing entrepreneur by taking these 5 steps to reclaim your time and prioritise your success!